Beginning Singing Classes

Noon - 12:30pm on six Sundays: January 26th through March 2nd

Do you have a hard time singing the hymns?  Do you feel that you shouldn't sing?  Have you been told  NOT to sing . . . ever?  Have you stopped singing?  If you answered YES to any of those questions, then — this is the class for you!

Our Music Director, Alison Nixon, is offering a 6-week class for absolutely beginning singers. Emotional safety and building your confidence is paramount.

Sessions will be held from noon to 12:30pm on Sundays after church beginning January 26th and continuing weekly through March 2nd.  Contact Alison Nixon or the Church Office to sign up.


Deepening Connections: A guided Exploratory Ramble for the Unitarian-Curious

7-8:30pm on January 15th & 29th and February 12th & 26th

Newcomers, recent-ish members and those warily orbiting our North Shore Unitarian community… this one’s for you.

Starting in mid-January, the Sunday Services Team will be offering Welcome Wednesdays — a series of meet-and-greets that are also a crash course in UU principles. Loosely based on the UU orientation program ‘Starting Point’, these four evenings will primarily be a forum for folks to get to know each other better, and air out whatever questions you may have about this unique faith of ours.

The course will take place biweekly from 7-8:30pm on these Wednesdays: January 15th and 29th, then February 12th and 26th.

All are welcome, though the course is designed mostly for newcomers. Please sign up HERE or on the bulletin board in the stairwell.

There will be snacks but not a full meal. 

Questions?  Please reach out to Hosts Bruce Grierson and Rebecca Lindley. 

~ Bruce Grierson & Rebecca Lindley,
Deepening Connections Hosts


Coming Soon: Foyer Beautification

Foyer Beautification Coming Soon: Your Ideas are Welcome!
The outside of the building is being beautified, now let’s work on the foyer!

We want a meaningful, colorful foyer that shows all who come through the doors that we are a welcoming community: vibrant, active , thoughtful and joyful. Your input and ideas are important, needed and welcomed.  Please contact Leslie (

December's Outreach Recipient: Lookout Housing & Health Society

Each month, we collect donations for a different non-profit organization whose mission is in line with our values. 100% of our Sunday morning offering plate, unless otherwise noted, is given to that charitable organization. We call this “Outreach”.

During December, our Outreach Recipient was Lookout Housing and Health Society. We raised a total of $1,793 for Lookout.

Lookout provides non-judgmental, non-sectarian services to low or no-income adults who cope with a wide variety of challenges. Lookout prides itself on a positive flow of tenants through the housing continuum that includes a 45-bed emergency shelter, and 25 supportive transitional housing units on the North Shore.

Blue Christmas: 1pm Wed. December 18th

Please join Kerry Burke assisted by Liz Moffitt and friends in a one-hour gathering to share fellowship with those of us experiencing less holiday joy. There might be many reasons for this: the Christmas season generally might be a difficult time of year, or a loss of a loved one, ecological grief, the recent election… the reasons can be many. With music and a little fun, may the warmth of sharing bring us peace at this dark time of the year.

Christmas Hampers: Nonperishable food items for the Lookout Shelter

This winter, we collected non-perishable food packages that will be distributed to 25 people living in transitional housing at the Lookout Housing and Health Society’s shelter.

Special thanks to all who brought tins of soup,  pasta, sauces, tea bags, coffee, cookies or treats, and other non-perishable food items.  Elain Duvall arranged for them to be packaged and dropped off at the Lookout Shelter.

Did you know that the Breeze App does this?

Did you know you can donate on your phone using the Breeze app and "Give Now" (on the main menu)?  Once you've entered your credit card details ONCE, it will save them for later use (although you'll still need to log-in every time). 

You can use the app to make payments toward your pledge, lunch, or offering contributions -- just use the drop down arrow to select the right category so your donation or purchase goes to the right thing!  Contact Janni in the Church Office with questions.

Not yet a Breeze User? NSUC Members and established Friends may be granted Breeze access through the Church Office (certain restrictions apply).

Janell Hilton's Photography and Art Sale

Janell Hilton (who passed away at the end of September) donated a number of art pieces to our church before she died. These pieces are for sale, with the proceeds going to the church in Janell’s name.

Some of the pieces are photographs Janell has taken — and some are art pieces that she purchased (or was gifted) from other artists.

See the new display of these pieces in the hallway leading from the Church Office to the side Sanctuary door. Many of Janell’s pieces are displayed there now — with more coming soon. So watch the display over time, as it will change as pieces are sold and new ones are added.

To purchase Janell’s pieces (or any of the other art pieces for sale in the church building), contact Inga Puhlmann (our Art Team Chair) or Janni in the Church Office.

Special thanks to Inga for displaying such beautiful (and varied) art throughout the church building!