what is funfest?
FUNfest is a fundraising program that we offer at our church. Donors offer to sell goods, services, or events to church members. 100% of the proceeds go to the church as a donation from the donor (showing up on their end-of-year tax receipt). People who purchase FUNfest items pay the church directly for their purchases.
Can I donate an item to FunFest?
Yes! We welcome the donation of goods, services, and events. Contact Janni in the Main Office. (You will receive an end-of-year tax receipt for the actual dollar amount your donation raises).
What items are for sale — and how can i buy them?
Watch the eBulletin and the bulletin board in the stairwell for FUNfest events currently available for purchase. Use the online link (in the eBulletin or on our Upcoming Events webpage) to purchase tickets, or sign up on the paper sign-up sheet on the Bulletin Board.
HOW do i pay for my funfest purchases?
Please pay the purchase price directly to the church using any of these payment methods:
Pay cash directly to Janni in the Main Office during office hours, or put the cash in an envelope labeled “FUNfest Purchases made by ___________(Your Name)” and place it in the offering basket or the office safe.
Write “FUNfest Purchases” on the note line of your cheque and drop it off (or mail it) to Janni in the MainOffice. You can also place your cheque in the offering basket (clearly labeled as being for FUNfest purchases).
Send your eTransfer to our Main Office email: info@northshoreunitarians.ca with a note indicating that the money goes toward your FundFest purcahes.
Credit Card
Click HERE to pay by credit card, but use the dropdown arrow next to “Give to *NSUC General” to select another fund. Select “Give to FUNfest Purchases” as the Fund, and then complete the rest of the form by providing your name and credit card info. (NOTE: our church does not see or store your credit card numbers. Learn more about how we protect your privacy and personal information HERE).
Text the numeric dollar amount to 604-200-3443. Leave a space after the dollar amount, and then add the letters FF to indicate that the money is to be applied to your FUNest purchase(s).
EXAMPLE: If you are paying $100 for your FUNest purchases, your text string will look like this: 100 FF
Do I get a tax receipt for my funfest purchases?
No. Canada Revenue Agency does not allow us to issue tax receipts for purchases. So when you purchase tickets to a FUNfest event, you do not receive a tax receipt. However, if you donate an item or event to FUNfest, you DO receive a tax receipt for the actual dollar amount your event raised for the church.
Example: If you donate an event that raises $500, you will get a tax receipt for having donated $500. But the people who purchased tickets to your event do not get a tax receipt for their purchases.
Who do i contact with questions?
Contact the donor if you have specific questions about something that is for sale. If you have other questions about FUNfest, contact Janni in the Main Office.