Lifespan Learning For Adults — North Shore Unitarians

Lifespan Learning


the free and responsible search for truth and meaning

One of our eight Principles that many Unitarians hold most dear is “the free and responsible search for truth and meaning.” This includes a very strong sense among us that we are on spiritual journeys through our lives.

Some of us have intentionally moved from one religion to another; some of us only began to seek out spiritual practices, ideas and beliefs at some point along the way, most often as parents of young children or during the changes of mid-life. Further, we hold high the value of education; we see education for all people as a primary means of social progress.

As a result we believe in lifespan learning in the areas of spirituality, values, ethics and the problems of life itself; we offer a range of educational opportunities for people of all ages.  These programs are designed to:

  • explore religious truths, promote spiritual growth, and build vital communities of justice and love

  • encourage us to deepen in spirit and nurture our souls, and contribute to and shape the wider world for the greater good

  • recognize we are part of an interdependent web of life.

Our Heart, Mind, Spirit MINISTRY TEAM

The volunteers in our community who organize these programs call themselves “Heart Mind and Spirit Team” rather than an adult religious education committee. This is because our intention is to touch people in the deepest parts of our being, in many different ways over time.

We offer evening, daytime and weekend programs for adults in areas such as world religions, spiritual practices, Unitarian heritage, leadership and communication skills, life issues and support groups, book study circles, exploration of art forms, and a broad spectrum of approaches to philosophy, theology, ethics, and values.

We aim to facilitate the spiritual growth of our community by providing opportunities for people to explore their individual approaches to Unitarian Universalism by sharing programs that deepen our heart connections. We also hope such programs inspire action in service to others.

To learn about our offerings currently offered and coming soon, subscribe to our eBulletin, see our current newsletter, or visit the bulletin boards in our stairwell.