Sunday Services

Our Services are held each Sunday at 10:30am (September through June) in our Sanctuary. We take a summer break during July, August, and the first Sunday of September. Here’s what’s coming up soon:

10:30am February 2nd

”Groundhog Day”
with Bruce Grierson

If you've seen the Bill Murray movie of the same name, you'll have an idea of where Bruce is going here. Sometimes it feels like we're caught in a recurring loop, condemned to face the same trials, obstacles (and politicians!) again and again until we learn the lesson. If you miss this one that's okay, you'll wake up to it again on Monday morning.

10:30am February 9th

“The Woven Tapestry of Our Life”
with Leslie Whyte

Our lives are made up of strands of events and emotions interwoven with life in our society, culture and politics. Those strands represent our lives made visible. To physically spin the fibre and patiently warp and weave that fabric into our personal design is both contemplative and spiritual. How would you present the tapestry of your life?

february’s Outreach:

What is Outreach?

Each month, we collect funds for a different non-profit organization whose mission is in line with our values. We call this “Outreach”. 100% of our Sunday morning collection plate (unless otherwise marked) is donated to the charity featured that month.

During February, our Outreach funds will be donated to the North Shore Crisis Services Society, which operates transition housing (SAGE and second-stage housing) and other support services for women and families leaving violence on the North Shore.

Gain inspiration anytime from viewing the services on our YouTube channel.

See our services on our youtube channel

Miss a service? Watch past Services on our YouTube Channel (the videos are usually available within a day).

Photos and videos are taken at many of our services and events, and are sometimes shared on YouTube or social media. If you do NOT want your image used, please notify the leader of your event and/or the person taking photos/videos

Typical Order of Service

  • Prelude

  • Chalice Lighting

  • Welcome

  • Hymn

  • Offering / Offertory

  • Story

  • Reflection

  • Musical Reflection

  • Chalice Extinguishing

  • Closing Song