Looking for signs of Spring in a hard winter? Help us re-green a section of our grounds
by adopting a plant
in our new Resiliency Garden.
Last year, an ageing cedar hedge was removed from the west side of our main building, in alignment with a FireSmart assessment of our property. What was once a heavily shaded zone on the corner of our building is now open to the sky and direct sun.
Our Environmental Action team commissioned a landscaping design to guide us in replanting this area, seeking recommendations of native species chosen because they are drought-tolerant, fire-resistant, and attractive to birds and pollinators. We hope to enhance a corner of the butterfly garden as well. Total cost for this project is $3,000, which includes plants, soil amendments, and plumbing infrastructure.
Adopt a plant for a $30 donation* to the garden fund by talking to a volunteer after the service during February. Find us each Sunday in the back of the Sanctuary, near the landscape design and plant info cards on display along the east wall. Or you can donate using any of these methods:
CASH given to one of the volunteers at the back of the Sanctuary on a Sunday in February or in the offering basket (clearly labeled Garden).
CHEQUE made payable to “North Shore Unitarians” with Garden in the note line. Deposit it in the offering basket, or mail it to our Main Office.
ETRANSFER sent to info@northshoreunitarians.ca with the word Garden in the notes area.
TEXT 604-200-3443 with the dollar amount, a space, and the word Garden in the text string. When prompted, enter your bank account or credit card numbers, name, etc.
*Note: You will receive a tax receipt for your donation.
If you have questions about any of these payment methods, contact Janni in our Main Office.
~ Your Environmental Action Team